Qareeb, an online grocery store based in Saudi, recently inaugurated their operations in Pakistan and are now covering deliveries all across the country. Qareeb Pakistan is your go to all-in-one platform for an online shopping experience, covering a range of products from Organic Mangoes & Honey to mobile phone accessories and wrappings.

Team Digital Khokha collaborated with Qareeb Fresh to run a campaign distributing the fruit of summer, our very own Khas Aam. From Raseela to Mausami Chaunsa, we made our days Mangoficient with lush and luscious deliveries to a range of famous food and lifestyle bloggers, which amounted upto 30. Customized boxes with premium packing were arranged for which obtained a positive response from everybody at the receiving end. Stories mentioning Digital Khokha and Qareeb.pk were put on with reviews from the happy bloggers, who were delighted to have been a part of the campaign.

Instagrammer with the handle @maleehasultana_ join along our campaign and tagline “Ab milain khas amm qareeb say”
Renowned blogger @hafsamirzaa_ was delighted to have received the package quoted on their story saying.
“Let’s get the mango feeling going! Export quality chaunsa mangoes now @qareebpk”

This led to a significant increase in social media reach for Qareeb Pakistan & Fresh, indicating success. A healthy number of orders owing to the campaign were received with customers who wanted to catch on to the taste of summer with Qareeb’s garden-fresh Mangoes in their captivating packaging.

The campaign not only led to a Mangolicious summer for our team of bloggers but was also a lively and eventful activity for our very own team, who enjoyed sending in the packages very much themselves.
Join on in with Team Qareeb and Digital Khokha to bid a juicy farewell to summers by being a part of our campaign, kyunke ab mileigne Khass Amm Qareeb se